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Negative Entity Attachment Removal

Astral Parasites,Parasitic/Negative entities,ET implants,Demonic possession,Earthbound spirits etc.

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 234 British pounds
  • Location 1

Service Description

Are you feeling weighed down by unexplained negativity, bad luck, aches and pains? Plagued with negative energies? If yes you just might have a Negative Entity attachment. The good news is, help is here with this Negative Entity Attachment Removal service now available to you. The process starts with a free email consultation to understand your situation and what needs to be cleared. Then a report will be sent back sharing our findings with you. Please give up to 5 days for a full report to be put together. After that, we will arrange a date and time for a session, that can last up to 90 minutes. More than one session may be required depending on what the situation is. Payment must be sent first before the session(s). Clients must show up on time for each session arranged, and also be prepared to push through any resistance that comes forward due to the nature of this situation. You will be given a complimentary after care package and given the tools needed to continue your healing journey after the treatment has finished. Confidence and empowerment will be strongly weaved through this work and restored back to the client. Say goodbye to negative entities for good and hello to a brighter, lighter future you. Disclaimer - this treatment is in no way designed to replace professional medical treatment. Removal of entities can improve health issues, well-being, mood and energy levels, yet any health issues must be properly investigated by a qualified medical professional.

Contact Details

  • GB- , GBR

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